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Macroaxis Review – Can This Tool Optimize Your Investments?

By Dave

Last Updated

Macroaxis Review

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Macroaxis Review

  • Ease of Use
  • Quality
  • Value
  • Customization


Every good trader knows the benefit a solid portfolio management tool can provide. Macroaxis is a portfolio management and analysis tool designed for individual investors and money managers. This tool uses in-depth portfolio modeling to help you customize and take control of your investments. Its features include a portfolio optimizer, portfolio suggestion module, a stock screener, research, and more. Check out our complete review of Macroaxis to see if it can really benefit the way you invest!

Macroaxis is a portfolio management and analysis tool that uses in-depth modeling to help you optimize your investments. The platform is designed to work for both individual investors and money managers, and it gives you a significant degree of control over the assumptions used when generating models.

Can this platform help you build a more diversified and successful portfolio? Our Macroaxis review explores how this software works and how it can help you invest.

Macroaxis Homepage

Macroaxis Pricing

Macroaxis has two plan tiers: Silver and Gold. The Silver option is designed for individual investors and offers up to 10 portfolios with 20 positions each, plus 100 optimization actions per day. It costs $19.95 per month or $179.40 per year.

The Gold plan is designed for money managers and offers greater capacity. You can create up to 40 portfolios with 50 positions each, and there are no limits on how many optimization or analysis actions you can run. A Gold subscription costs $79.95 per month or $719.40 per year.

Macroaxis Pricing

With either plan, you can try out the service for 7 days with a money-back guarantee.

Macroaxis Features

Portfolio Builders

The best way to start using Macroaxis is to build one or more portfolios. You can input an existing portfolio using Plaid, which integrates with most major US stockbrokers or add positions manually. Macroaxis supports most US stocks and ETFs as well as thousands of global stocks, as well as hundreds of cryptocurrencies.

You can also build a portfolio from scratch using Macroaxis’ modeling tools. You can select up to four investing themes, which span categories like ‘Driverless Cars,’ ‘Alternative Energy,’ and ‘Marijuana’ in addition to standard market sectors. Then select an investment horizon (from 1 month up to 2 years) and risk tolerance setting, and enter how much you plan to invest. From that information, Macroaxis will auto-generate a possible portfolio of between 5 and 20 stocks. 

Macroaxis Thematic Portfolio Generator

Macroaxis Thematic Portfolio Results

Macroaxis enables you to create a cryptocurrency portfolio in a similar fashion, although the theme options are much more limited. You can choose from themes built around popular coins, proof of work coins, proof of stake coins, or Macroaxis top picks.

Portfolio Analysis

Once you have a portfolio set up in Macroaxis, you can start analyzing it. The software offers several different models and modes.

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To start, the Portfolio Optimizer offers a simple way to rebalance your existing portfolio to make it more efficient. You can choose a minimum and maximum position size, modify your investment time horizon and risk tolerance, and even assume an interest rate for cash holdings. The platform will automatically calculate an optimum new portfolio within these constraints and display how your expected performance, potential risk, and dividend income are expected to change as a result.

Macroaxis Portfolio Optimizer

Macroaxis Portfolio Optimizer Results

Macroaxis also offers to analyze your existing portfolios. You can measure how correlated the assets in your portfolio are, backtest your portfolio over any period in the past two years, or analyze how your portfolio is performing right now compared to major market indices. All of these tools are impressively in-depth and enable you to adjust the analysis inputs or dig into what stocks in your portfolio are having the biggest impact on your performance.

Macroaxis Portfolio Correlation

Another neat tool is the Portfolio Suggestion module. This goes beyond simply optimizing your existing portfolio by instead adding and subtracting stocks to suggest new and better portfolio formulations. You can optimize based on performance alone or based on whether you plan to actively or passively manage your portfolio. You also have the option to incorporate specific investing themes for the stocks that Macroaxis suggests. The suggested portfolios are plotted on a risk vs. return plot, making it easy to visualize the impact that modifying your portfolio might have.

Macroaxis Portfolio Suggestion

Stock Screener And Research

Macroaxis has more than just portfolio tools. The platform also provides a significant amount of fundamental and technical research to help you pick stocks.

To start your search, there’s a simple stock screener that allows you to filter stocks based on theme, performance score, and an ‘odds of distress’ score. Macroaxis also has pre-made screens for popular stocks and funds, high-yielding dividend stocks, high volatility stocks, and more.

Macroaxis Stock Screener

You can dig into any individual stock with well-visualized fundamental information and customizable technical charts from TradingView. Macroaxis also has a simple buy/sell/hold rating that’s calculated based on recent technical performance and fundamental metrics.

Macroaxis Customization And Layout

Macroaxis is extremely customizable. Most of the modeling modules enable you to modify the advanced assumptions, such as market interest rates and what confidence interval to use for displayed results. You can also modify your platform-wide profile, which encodes your default risk tolerance and investing time horizon.

The platform’s user interface can be tricky to navigate since Macroaxis doesn’t have a single, static navigation menu. Unfortunately, you cannot pin frequently used modules to the sidebar for easy access.

Macroaxis Interface

Macroaxis Platform Differentiators

While there are many options out there when it comes to portfolio management and tracking, such as Sharesight and JStock, Macroaxis truly offers one of the most comprehensive, yet easy to use portfolio modeling platforms we’ve seen. The software gives you the freedom to alter nearly all of the inputs that go into your model, but you can also leave the defaults and quickly get suggestions for optimizing or modifying your portfolio. The fact that it integrates technical and fundamental analysis is an added plus, since Macroaxis can effectively serve as a one-stop research center for medium- and long-term investors.

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What Type Of Trader Is Macroaxis Best For?

Macroaxis is best for medium-term investors who want to actively manage their portfolios. The platform focuses on 1-month to 2-year investing timeframes, and to take full advantage of the software, you need to routinely analyze your holdings and make adjustments for changing market conditions. That said, Macroaxis can also work for managing long-term portfolios and determining the best way to rebalance them over time.

Notably, this platform is designed to work just as well for financial advisors and money managers as well as individual investors. The Gold plan allows you to create up to 40 portfolios.


  • Theme-based portfolio suggestions
  • Optimize or rebalance your portfolio in seconds
  • Excellent visualization tools
  • Supports global stocks, ETFs, and cryptocurrencies
  • Includes in-depth stock research and charts


  • Interface could be easier to navigate
  • Limited to a 2-year investing timeframe
Day Trade Review


Dave has been a part-time day trader and swing trader since 2011 when he first became obsessed with the markets. He focuses primarily on technical setups and will hold positions anywhere from a few minutes to a few days. Over his trading career, Dave has tried numerous day trading products, brokers, services, and courses. He continues to test and review new day trading services to this day.

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